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jem scout and dill all go up to the radleys door to seeif they can see boo(arther) radley. as they were looking in the window they saw a shadow and they all ran in the collard patch. jem lost his pants from climbing under the fence and had to go back to the radletys yard to get his pants back. he tells scout to count to 10 and he will be right back before he gets back. as scout was counting she heard a gunshot and thought that mr radley had shot jem.

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13y ago
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1mo ago

When Jem, Scout, and Dill sneaked to the back of the Radley house to peek inside, they were caught by Nathan Radley. Jem's pants got caught on the fence as they were running away, so he had to leave them behind. This event heightened the mystery surrounding Boo Radley and added tension to their interactions with the Radley house.

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11y ago

They plated something calld asian Golf ..

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Q: What happend to jem scout and dill when they snuck to the back of the radley house to peek inside?
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