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It is not a good idea to administer human antibiotics, as the cats immune system is different from humans. This may kill the cat.

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Q: What happends if you give your cat to much human antibiotics?
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How much antibiotics do you give a dog?

You should never give your dog antibiotics yourself. If your dog needs antibiotics then he or she needs to be taken in to see a Veterinarian to correctly diagnose the problem. The Vet would know what is the proper antibiotic to give and in what dose. Why mess around with your pet's life??

Are cats allergic to human antibiotics?

One must NEVER give a cat human medicine. Not because cats are allergic, its because it is incredibly easy to overdose and that can often be fatal. Cats are much, much smaller than humans, so giving a cat human antibiotics, even in a small amount, is incredibly dangerous. If a has fallen ill or is in pain or has an infection, take it to the vets immediately so can be treated with medicine that is completely safe for cats.

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an inflation occurs

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Well before they get married Jake runs away but on the wedding day he comes back to say goodbye because he knows that she will not be a human for very much longer.

What happens if your guinea pigs got too much of antibiotics?

Just if you give yourself too much medicine he/she/they can get extremely sick or even come to death. If you happen to give him/her/them too much seem vet attention ammediatly. Without treatment he/she/they can die.

How much clarityn can you give a dog?

You should never give a dog human medication. So 0 doses.

Are pills poisonous to cats?

One must NEVER give a cat human medicine. It is incredibly easy to overdose and that can often be fatal. Cats are much, much smaller than humans, so giving a cat human antibiotics, even in a small amount, is incredibly dangerous. This is why you should only give a cat medicine prescribed by a vet. However, some cats can be intolerant to some medicine deemed safe for cats. If your believe your cat is ill or has a bad reaction to its medication see a vet immediately.

What causes superinfections?

taking to much antibiotics

How much amoxicillin can a 6.5 pound dog take?

You should not be treating your dog with antibiotics without a prescription from a vet (in which case you would know the dosage to use). Indiscriminate and amateur use of antibiotics results in antibiotic resistance building up in bacteria and this means that antibiotics become ineffective for human use too. One day when you are ill you may need an antibiotic but it may not work because of what you are doing with your dog.

Why do antibiotics make you bloated?

It's possible for antibiotics to disrupt how much bacteria is in a person's digestive track, which can lead to bloating. Antibiotics are used to inhibit or kill the growth of a microorganism.

Can the uvula get infected?

Yes actually, i actually have a infected uvula right now! i went to the doctor and all they did was give me antibiotics. And its not as much the uvula but the throat infection spreading to the uvula.

Can you take presnidone if you are allergic to antibiotics?

Prednisone is a corticosteroid. It doesn't have much in common with antibiotics, so it's probably okay.