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One must NEVER give a cat human medicine. Not because cats are allergic, its because it is incredibly easy to overdose and that can often be fatal. Cats are much, much smaller than humans, so giving a cat human antibiotics, even in a small amount, is incredibly dangerous.

If a has fallen ill or is in pain or has an infection, take it to the vets immediately so can be treated with medicine that is completely safe for cats.

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absolutely not!!

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Q: Are cats allergic to human antibiotics?
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Could your cat's antibiotics have killed him?

Some antibiotics can be too strong for cats, and some cats can even have allergic reactions to them just as humans can.For example and overdose of penicillin in cats will cause them to have seizures and even permanent neurological damage.

What is Niall Horan allergic to?

He is said to be allergic to cats.

What happends if you give your cat to much human antibiotics?

It is not a good idea to administer human antibiotics, as the cats immune system is different from humans. This may kill the cat.

Can allergic reactions to antibiotics cause Secondary vasculitis?

Allergic reactions to antibiotics can cause Secondary vasculitis

Are people who are allergic to household cats allergic to big cats?

Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!

Will you be allergic to cocker spaniel as you are allergic to cats?

Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both. Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both.

Are cats allergic to Valium?

You shouldn't give human medicine to animals. Ask your vet for more information.

Is it possible for a person with asthma and is allergic to cats to live with cats?

Its really not reccommended to live with cats if you're allergic to them, and have asthma. Although, it just really depends how allergic you are to them.

Can you get hives from cats even if you are not allergic to them?

No. There are many causes for hives, so you can get them if you are not allergic to cats. However, you would not get them from a cat if you're not allergic.

What is Hagrid allergic to in Harry Potter?

He is allergic to cats.

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Are cats allergic to ladybug?

yes they are highly allergic to ladybugs =)