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Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!

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Q: Are people who are allergic to household cats allergic to big cats?
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Can someone who allergic to cats visit someone who has a cat?

It depends on how high they're allergic to cats. I myself am allergic to cats and we have 13 cats; I sneeze once in a while and get stuffed up but it's no big deal. If they are really miserable around cats and it affects they're health, it's probably best that they don't visit someone with a cat if it's at all possible. Oh, and just so you know abortion stops a beating heart so please support the awarness.

Would i be allergic to lion hair if i am allergic to cat hair as they are all from the same family?

yes you would because even they look different they are in the same family, but the difference is that lions are called 'big cats'

How many people love the big cats?

not me

How many cats can fit in a van?

It depends on how big your cats and their carriers are, and how many people are in your van. If there are no people and the cats and carriers are small...that's alot of cats!

Can cats kill someone?

Big cats like lions and tigers can kill people. Domestic cats are too small to kill a human being.

Are there big cats in Jamaica?

There are pet cats and stray cats but no big cats in Jamaica.

What is the difference between a house cat and a bobcat?

House cats are cats that are pets bobcats are a species of big cat that live in the wild they are closer related to the leopard and other big cats rather than the cats people have as pets

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How many people does the big household?

The number of people in a big household can vary, but typically it includes more than five members living together in the same residence.

Can someone be allergic to a turtle?

yes i am deathly allergic to them. i swell so big.

Do big cats hiss like domestic cats?

I'm sure they can but that's if the big cats don't kill the little ones

Can you actually be allergic to something that's much too big to fit in your nose?

Yes you can be. For example some people are allergic to oranges (though technically you can slice it up and put it in your nose).