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Some antibiotics can be too strong for cats, and some cats can even have allergic reactions to them just as humans can.
For example and overdose of penicillin in cats will cause them to have seizures and even permanent neurological damage.

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Q: Could your cat's antibiotics have killed him?
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What is the sickness that is not killed by antibiotics?

Viruses are not killed by antibiotics; there are also other types of sickness, such as cancer, which cannot be killed by antibiotics. Antibiotics are only useful for treating bacterial infections.

Which microbe can't be killed by antibiotics?

Viruses are microscopic and can not be killed by antibiotics (against life) as they are not living.

What happens to viruses when you take antibiotics?

Viruses are Not killed with antibiotics need antivirus antibiotics

Antibiotics for cats in liquid form?

I'm not sure about liquid form antibiotics, but you can get tablets and chush them up and put in the cats food or put in the cats mouth and make sure he/she swallows it.

Why are antibiotics unhelpful for fighting a common cold?

B. Colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only kill bacteria

Can cats take antibiotic?

Cats can take antibiotics. Antibiotics are very useful and universal drugs and there are antibiotics to cure almost any bacterial illness. If your cat is sick and you think it needs antibiotics, TAKE IT TO A VET. The dosages for humans and cats are very different, and the other things that are in the antibiotics made for humans may kill cats. Also, not every antibiotic is suitable to treat every condition. Some bacteria have built up resistance to certain antibiotics and need stronger ones. Only a vet can diagnose and treat your cat or prescribe antibiotics if needed. Cats can safely take antibiotics but only those designed for cats.

Can intestinal bacteria be killed with antibiotics?


What type of antibiotics are safe for pregnant cats?

It is fine for pregnant cats to take antibiotics. You should not give your cat any over the counter medications without talking to your vet.

When in history were cats killed?

In the bubonic plague people thought that the blakc death or plague was carried by cats and not Rats or fleas and killed the cats.

Why do cats get killed by cars?

Cars get killed by cars because cats walk where cars drive. Cats get killed by cars because the drivers of the cars are careless and don't really care whether they kill a cat or not. Last reason I think why cats get killed by cars is because cars are bigger and stronger then cats so therefore the cats lose in that battle.

What is a sentence using the word bacteria?

# Bacteria can be killed antibiotics.

What are the 5 ways in which bacteria can be killed?

antibiotics, and vaccine shots