

What happends when vinegar and bleach are mixed?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Be carefull: VERY toxic chlorine gas is released easily.

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Q: What happends when vinegar and bleach are mixed?
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What happens when vinegar and bleach are mixed?

Chlorine gas is not produced; it is only a legend ! Vinegar plus bleach does not create chlorine gas. Please help to stop passing this myth around. Vinegar makes bleach better and more powerful and more useful.

Does bleach clean your urinary system?

yaa just bleach and vinegar a bottle cap of bleach and a glass of vinegar

what are examples of harmful mixtures?

Bleach and Ammonia = Toxic Chloramine Vapor. Bleach and ammonia are two common household cleaners that should never be mixed. ... Bleach and rubbing alcohol = Toxic chloroform. ... Bleach and vinegar = Toxic Chlorine Gas. ... Vinegar and Peroxide = Paracetic Acid. ... Peroxide and Henna Hair Dye = Hair Nightmare.

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a crayons won't disintegrate both in vinegar or bleach

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It does that because of the chemicals just like if u mix bleach and peroxide together it reacts immediately too.

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Vinegar makes the egg wrinkly/takes off the shell and water makes and egg stronger

Would vinegar act as a bleach agent on stains?

Yes because vinegar and bleach are both bases there for vinegar would act the same as bleach would on clothes, and i also know because I've done it before it works just fine

What happen when you mixed the bleach and food coloring?

colored bleach.

How do you we mixed water and vinegar?

open the vinegar...pour just a bit out... take the vinegar to the water faucet....turn the water faucet on....add water into the vinegar container. Viola! you just mixed water and vinegar.

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It bubbles up, like baking soda and vinegar

What are good cleansers for the appendix?

Bleach, vinegar and hydrochloric acid.