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Roman Catholic AnswerThere is a story told as a way to explain God's love. God's love is like the sun falling on all men equally. His love is equal, but men are not. Some men have constituted themselves as wax, and some as clay. Are job in life is to pray, and be humble, and become wax, so that God's love shining on us, softens us and allows us to be molded in His image - thus effected our salvation. Sin hardens us and makes us like clay. If you put clay out in the hot sun, it hardens, becomes brittle, and eventually shatters, and is destroyed. Excommunication is meant as a medicinal salve to heal a person so that they can realize their error and come humbly back to God and His Church. After Martin Luther's excommunication, he set himself in his sin and went from bad to worse. After that, the Church addressed the errors that Martin Luther had initially pointed out and corrected them - the final result of this action was the Council of Trent. See the links below, the first one was the Holy Father trying to correct Luther's errors; the second was the decree of excommunication to try to contain the damage done by Luther to the Body of Christ.
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Q: What happened after pope Leo X declared Luther a heretic?
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Who declared martin Luther an outlaw and heretic?

The pope and several Roman Catholic monarchs.

Who was the pope that declared Luther a heritic?

Pope Leo X, who was pope from March 9, 1513, to December 1, 1521, excommunicated Luther.

Why was martin Luther and declared a heretic?

Martin Luther, professor of biblical studies and Augustine monk, initially sought to reform in the use of indulgences. In response, Prierias, Master of the Papal Palace, declared any challenge to the sale of indulgences heretical. Luther proceeded to deny the infallibility of the pope and of General Councils, for which the pope excommunicated him in 1520. However, the Elector of Saxony declined to enforce the Bull of Excommunication, which Luther publicly burnt in the university at Wittenberg. One of the forty one heresies and "pestiferous errors" of which he was accused was the opinion that "the burning of heretics is against the will of the Holy Spirit."

What made Martin Luther an outlaw and heretic?

Martin Luther was declared an outlaw and heretic because of his criticisms of the Catholic Church and his teachings that challenged its authority. He argued against practices such as the selling of indulgences and questioned the supremacy of the Pope. These ideas gained a significant following and threatened the Catholic Church's power, leading to his excommunication and being labeled an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V.

What did the pope and the catholic church do to martin Luther?

The Pope issued a papal bull threatening to excommunicate Luther if he did not recant in 90 days. Luther is said to have burned copies of the bull. Luther was excommunicated and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was told to kill him on charges of heresy. Charles summoned him to Worms (verms) to be examined. Luther was declared a heretic. Luther had thirty days to return home before being declared an outlaw. On the way back to Wittenburg Luther was kidnapped by his friend a prince of Germany. the prince took him to a castle where luther lived in safety and translated the New Testament into German. Because Charles was busy with foreign affairs Luther was not bothered for the remainder of his life which he spent mostly in Wittenburg.

Was Elizabeth I excommunicated by the pope?

Pius V issued a bull, Regnans in Excelsis, dated April 27, 1570, that declared Elizabeth I a heretic and excommunicated her.

Where did Luther go after he was excommunicated?

In January 1521, the Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. He was then summoned to appear at the Diet of Worms, an assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. He refused to recant and Emperor Charles V declared him an outlaw and a heretic. Luther went into hiding at Wartburg Castle. In 1522, he returned to Wittenberg and in 1525 married Katharina von Bora, a former nun, with whom he had six children.

Are you a heretic if you do not agree with the Pope's tweets?

You would only be considered a heretic if the pope happened to tweet a matter of faith and you disagreed with it. For example, if the pope sent out a message that the Blessed Trinity consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that is an article of faith which all good Catholics must believe. To deny that would make one a heretic. However, if he tweeted that cats make better pets than dogs, you would be free to disagree.

What was the name of the debate in which Martin Luther made statements that later led to him being labeled a heretic?

Leipzig Debates against Eck on the nature of the word, sacraments, and the power/ primacy of the Pope

When did the pope cut off Elizabeth I?

Pius V issued a bull, Regnans in Excelsis, dated April 27, 1570, that declared Elizabeth I a heretic and excommunicated her.

Why was mar tan Luther excommunicated and declared a heretic?

Martin was excommunicated because he was trying to go against most of the teachings of the Catholic church. (Which was caused by the 95 Theses, which Luther posted in Germany), The Church finally excommunicated him in 1521, and Luther was later banished in 1522. On 15 June 1520, the Pope warned Luther that he risked excommunication unless he recanted 41 heretical sentences drawn from his writings, including the 95 Theses, within 60 days. Luther set fire to the Popes warning at Wittenberg on 10 December 1520, Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X on 3 January 1521 for heresy and apostasy, and for leading others astray.

What did the Edict of Worms do?

The Edict of Worms was issued on the 25th of May, 1521 by the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V and the Pope. It banned all the writings of Martin Luther. Labeled him a heretic and enemy of the state.