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Skull Hole, in Bladensburg National Park near Winton, western Queensland, is believed to be the site of an Aboriginal massacre in the nineteenth century. The story goes that Aborigines killed a teamster, for reasons unknown. The main policeman at Winton was Sergeant Moran, who tracked the tribe, which was then pursued by Aboriginal troopers. After rounding them up, the troopers massacred the Aborigines at Skull Hole, a deep billabong amongst the cliffs.

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Q: What happened at Skull Hole near Winton Queensland Australia?
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the primary ones are: iron skull, black eye skull, tough luck skull, catch skull, cloud skull, famine skull, thunderstorm skull, tilt skull, mythic skull and the secondary ones are: blind skull, cowbell skull, gruntbirthday party skull, iwhbyd skull and all of them are accessible from the start so you dont have to look for them. hope i helped :P

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