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Describe the poem of Beowulf.

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Q: What happened during the time of the anglo saxons?
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What did the Anglo-Saxons do during the temperance movement?

By the time of the Temperance Movement, the Anglo-Saxons had long been merged into the general English population and did nothing as a separate group.

About the Anglo Saxons?

Anglo Saxons were a group of people who game from Germany. They settled into Britain. The period of the Anglo Saxon rule lasted for 600 years. During this time there were many political and religious changed in Britain.

Which people invaded Britain?

The Dutch under Williaam of Orange? The Romans, Anglo Saxons. Danes. Normans.

Did Anglo Saxons have newspapers?

No. Printing hadn't been invented at that time.

Who was responsible for passing down stories in Anglo Saxons time?

Beowulf' was a tale told by Anglo-Saxon poets. The Anglo-Saxons also told folk tales about elves, dwarves, and other mythical beings.

Why were the Anglo Saxons called Anglo Saxons?

England was at one time inhabited by a tribe called the Angles, and then England was invaded by a Germanic tribe called the Saxons, and as these two ethnic groups gradually merged, they became the Anglo-Saxons.

What 3 groups in medieval England time?

Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Vikings

Anglo-Saxon landed on the island referred to it as what?

It is known today as England, but at that time, the Anglo-Saxons reffered to it as the "Land of the English".

Is Anglo-Saxon another name for Old English?

Yes, old English refers to the vernacular of medieval Britain, which was dominated by the Anglo-Saxons at the time.

Did the Saxons come before the vikings?

No, it didn't. The Romans were already there and initially fended off the Anglo-Saxons. In the fifth century, the Romans left Britain, so the next time the Anglo-Saxons attempted to invade Britain, they succeeded.

How did Anglo-Saxon religion differ from Christianity?

Anglo-Saxon religion was polytheistic, worshipping multiple deities like Odin and Thor, while Christianity is monotheistic, worshipping one God. Additionally, Anglo-Saxon religion included practices like animal sacrifice and belief in fate, which were not part of Christian beliefs. Christianity also emphasized salvation through faith and adherence to moral teachings, while Anglo-Saxon religion centered around rituals to gain favor from the gods for protection and success in life.

Who were the Anglo-Normans?

The Anglo-Saxons migrated to the British Isles in the middle of the first millennium A.D. They ruled England until the Norman Conquest in 1066.