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Answer: Modern scientific creationism is simply a description or explanation of all scientific matters which have relevance to the matter of origins. This includes the elucidation of the part which beliefs or presuppositions play in scientific pursuits, including those of evolutionary believers. It also includes highlighting the obvious fact that no science experiment can exclude God.

Modern scientific creationism of course has vastly inferior resources in terms of funding as well as Propaganda tools used by evolutionists. Much however has been achieved with both highlighting the relevance of 'mainstream' scientific discoveries to the whole issue of origins as well as more 'creation specific' work.

The modern scientific creation movement of course has much in common with those who were pioneers in the development of modern science, since their ideas about the world are essentially the same. People such as Newton and Keppler believed in an orderly universe and saw themselves as merely 'thinking God's thoughts after Him'. Science historians have also realised the positive part a Christian worldview has played in the rise of modern scientific thought, contrary to those whop wish to paint creationism as 'anti-science.' Due to developments in technology, including amazing discoveries in terms of DNA, RNA etc, they are able to build on those who have preceded them, and without the baggage of an evolutionary worldview which has often hindered science.

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Q: What happened in the modern scientific creation story?
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What do evolutionists have?

Any evolutionary theorist believes in evolution, by definition. A person who does not believe in evolution may be a creation theorist, or a theologian, but would not be an evolutionary theorist.

A story invented to explain a natural occurrence?

That is the definition of a myth.

Are Religious and Scientific Theories of Creation Compatible?

Theory of Creation is not an acknowledge scientific theory. Science proposed Abiogenesis where life come to exist without need of creation. The Theory of Creation that require the supreme being to create life namely Intelligent Design (ID) had no root of support at all for the existence of God, Deities or Supreme being and their action. The Theory of Abiogenesis while lack of evidence supporting the full process, ID in other hand had nothing at all. The Theory of Creation by far believe in using irreducible complex to stated the process of Abiogenesis impossibility but it had nothing supporting even the existence of the creator. Degree of controversies among Religion to Science varies among religion of concern. Abrahamic's supporter usually in denial of the Abiogenesis theory and try to coin up their theory of creation. Indian's origin usually had nothing to concern or against the Abiogenesis and let the Science be. After all, even if Abiogenesis is not compatible to some of religions, it should not be put to bother since Abiogenesis is still on the long way of study. If the story of creation would be true, there would be the evidence in supporting. What we should do is seeking of evidence and not let the faith blind human process of seeking out truth.

What is the main story line of the book 'Cosmos' by Carl Sagan?

The story is based around the 15 billion years of cosmic evolution and the transformation of matter and life grew into conciseness to life as we know it. It looks at the scientific growth with civilisation.

What is the comparison between scientific law and scientific theory?

A Scientific Law is a discriptive generalization about how some aspect of the natural world behaves under specified circumstances. A Scientific Theory is a well substantiated explaination of some aspect of the natural world that incoporates facts, laws, and tested hypotheses. Scientific laws are descriptive. They do not seek to explain phenomena, whereas scientific theories do.

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Why is Genesis a symbolic story not a scientific story?

A:Much of the Book of Genesis, especially the creation stories, could not have happened from either a scientific or a historical perspective, so the book could more appropriately be regarded as symbolic of the beliefs and aspirations of the early Hebrew people.

Why is the science creation story important?

There is no science creation story. There are scientific theories concerning the creation and development of the universe, the formation of the solar system and the earth and the emergence and evolution of life.

Is there scientific proof for creation?

There is no scientific proof of a biblical creation. That is a matter of faith alone. The scientific consensus is that the universe came about as a result of an event popularly called the "Big Bang" which occurred around 13.7 billion years ago.For more information, please visit:

What did fundamentalists believe about the biblical account of creation?

They believe the story is a literal description of what happened.

Did the creation account concern scientific truth?

No. The story illustrates several religious truths of Judaism and Christianity.

Can the story of creation be related to the scientific explanation of how the earth was made?

It depends on which creation story you are talking about. All early cultures have their own creation myths. And some cultures have more than one creation myth. For example, the Bible has 2 different accounts of creation. The Bible's creation myths were most likely updated versions of Babylonian or Sumerian creation myths.

What are the advantages of the creation story?

The advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.The advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.For more information, please visit: advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.The advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.For more information, please visit: advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.The advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.For more information, please visit: advantage of the creation story (or actually of the two, quite different creation stories in Genesis) is that it provides a simple, easily understood explanation of why we are here and how life on earth came about. Before the advent of scientific knowledge, creation stories such as this were the only answer to this age-old riddle.In modern times, there are advantages and disadvantages to the creation story. On the one hand, it continues to provide answers to the less well educated and those who seek certainty in religion. On the other hand, it means that some people can not reach their potential in a technological world, as long as they cherry-pick those scientific facts they wish to accept.For more information, please visit:

Where is the story creation from Luzon?

the story of creation of luzon

Who is creation the world?

The Creation of the world, is not known, it depends on what side of the story you believe in, God or the Big Bang which is the Scientific side, not the religious side, So rhe answer for this is not who but what made the world and even the Universe.

What creation story does this come from People were made from parasites?

chinese creation story

What is the Lutheran creation story?

Answer The Lutheran creation story is the Christian creation account found in the Bible primarily in Genesis.

What happened during the creation of theory?

Firstly the story of creation is just that a STORY not a theory. The story of creation is told in the first book of the bible called Genesis. It was a way to explain the existence of the earth, its features and its inhabitants in ancient times when man didn't know any better. Now man has much greater knowledge of such things and we have the Big Bang Theory.