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Q: What happened to Jamestown during Bacon's Rebellion?
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Who was the governor of Jamestown at the Bacon's rebellion?

Willliam Berkeley was governor of the Virginia colony during the rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon.

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Because the indentured servants(the people who rebelled during the rebellion) couldn't be trusted anymore. The feds turned to slaves because they could be forced to work and had a low chance of rebelling

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Who burned Jamestown to the ground?

Nathaniel Bacon and his followers burned down Jamestown, Virginia during Bacon's Rebellion in 1676.

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The Starving Time in Jamestown was a period of starvation in the Jamestown colony. It occurred from 1609 to 1610.

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Who was governor of Jamestown at the time of Bacon's Rebellion?

Willliam Berkeley was governor of the Virginia colony during the rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon.

What happened during the rebellion?

During the Whisky Rebellion, protesters attacked tax inspectors who were trying to collect the tax. The tax was an excise tax on distilled spirits.

What happened during the Whisky Rebellion?

During the Whisky Rebellion, protesters attacked tax inspectors who were trying to collect the tax. The tax was an excise tax on distilled spirits.

When was the Jamestown capital burned and why?

The Colonial Capital in Jamestown was torched during Bacon's Rebellion on 19 September 1676 in protest to the failure of Governor Berkeley to exterminate the Native American population on the Colonial frontier.

What happen to Jamestown during Bacon's rebellion?

In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, a 29-year old planter, led a rebellion of a thousand Virginians (including former indentured servants, poor whites and poor blacks) because they resented Virginia Governor William Berkeley's friendly policies towards the Native Americans when he refused to retaliate for a series of Indian attacks on frontier settlements. The rebels took matters into their own hands, attacking Indians, chasing Berkeley from Jamestown, Virginia, and torching the city.