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The scriptures don't say what happened to Moroni after he buried the plates, and neither do any modern day revelations that I know of. Eventually he either died or was translated.

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Q: What happened to moroni after he barried the golden plates?
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What happened to Mormon after he finnished writing the gold plates?

Mormon passed the plates on to his son, Moroni, who finished the work of transcribing the plates and writing some of his own story. Then Mormon was killed in a battle, leaving Moroni the last righteous Nephite standing.

Where did Moroni bury the book of Mormon?

We can't know for sure, because he never tells us. Mormon, Moroni's father, says in Mormon 6:6 that he buried most of the plates in the hill Cumorah then gave the rest of the plates to Moroni. Moroni could have gone back to get them and then buried them in another spot, or he could have compiled them all at the same spot. We also can't know if the Book of Mormon hill Cumorah is the same as the hill in upstate New York where Joseph Smith discovered the plates, or if the plates were moved there at some point during the 1400 years between when they were buried and when Joseph Smith recieved them. It is all a matter of speculation and personal opinion. Since the location of where the plates were buried has absolutely no bearing on salvation, truth, or doctrine of any kind, the Church will likely never seek to define an exact location. It is extremely unlikely that someone might recieve revelation as to where the plates were buried as well, as revelation typically only has to do with matters of salvation.

Did a type of lizard tell Joseph smith the location of the golden tablets?

Um... no, that's probably the weirdest rumor about the LDS church I've ever heard. An angel named Moroni, the prophet who hid the gold plates before he died, told Joseph Smith where they were. There is the case of the "Salamander letters", created by con man Mark Hoffman, which letters were allegedly written by Joseph Smith and purported to identify that Moroni had come in the form of a salamander to visit Joseph Smith. However, the Salamander letters were later proven to be forged.

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there was a shift of the thectonic plates

How did the christchurch earthquake happened in 2011?

it happened from the tectonic plates rubbing together

Why did Moroni get bigger on the Seattle temple?

Not all temples have identical Moroni statues. The Seattle temple has the exact same statue as Los Angeles, Washington DC, Jordan River, and Mexico City. (note they are the only ones Moroni statues holding gold plates) The reason why it is larger is just because that is how the designer thought it looked best. Those put on the newer smaller temples, such as Monticello and Colonia Juarez, are smaller than the one on the Seattle temple.

What has happened with the plates in Haiti?

they like tottally crashed

What will happened if tectonic plates separate?

causes of earthquake

What did the ancient Greeks eat from?

well,the rich greeks ate from golden plates and the poor greeks probably ate from plates made out of stone

Where did Joseph smith find the plates?

Joseph Smith was lead to the hill near his home by the angel Moroni, who showed him where the plates were buried. The hill did not have a name at the time. Mormons call the hill Cumorah, because the Book of Mormon says that the plates were buried by Moroni in the hill Cumorah. Non-Mormons often call the hill "Mormon Hill" or "Gold Bible Hill".

What happened to rocks as fossils as the tectonic plates separated and drifted apart?

They were carried along with the plates to new locations.

What happened to rocks and fossils as the tectonic plates separated and drifted apart?

They were carried along with the plates to new locations.