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Q: What happened to my northwest mileage after the merger with delta?
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Which company purchased Northwest Airlines?

Northwest Airlines underwent a merger with Delta Airlines in 2008. It continued to trade as Northwest Airlines until 2010 when the merger was completed.

Where are the northwest airlines located?

Northwest Airlines was headquartered in Eagan, Minnesota, but since it's merger with Delta Airlines in 2008 the Northwest name has been discontinued.

With Delta and Northwest merging is it better to have miles on Delta or Northwest?

Northwest miles were merged into Delta accounts and both are valid. Going forward, miles are accrued on Delta.

Can you use delta skymiles on northwest?

Northwest Airlines no longer exists and was purchased by Delta Airlines. So you may use Delta Skymiles on an old Northwest route because that would now be operated by Delta anyway.

What happened to the world perks points now northwest is under Delta Airlines?

Delta finished the merger of the Northwest Worldperks FFP into its existing Skymiles FFP on October 1, 2009. At that time, one of three things happened. Users with a Worldperks account but no Skymiles account had only a Skymiles account going forward. Users having both who had previously responed to the request to link them had their Worldperks account merged into their Skymiles account. Users with both accounts that didn't link them ended up with two Skymiles accounts and had to merge them manually.

How many airlines do delta have?

Delta Airlines is one airline which recently merged with Northwest Airlines.

Is northwest airlines a exsisting airline?

Yes, but it will not be for long, Northwest Airlines is dissolving into Delta airlines

When did Battle of the Delta happen?

Battle of the Delta happened in -1178.

When did Airforce Delta happen?

Airforce Delta happened in 1999.

When did Delta Warp happen?

Delta Warp happened in 2000.

When did Delta Bowl happen?

Delta Bowl happened in 1947.

Does northwest airlines still fly?

No, not anymore. all Northwest Airlines planes are being repainted to the delta livery.