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He was arrested and murdered by the Soviets.

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Q: What happened to raoul wallenberg after he saved the Jews?
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What swedish diplomat helped Jews?

Raoul Wallenberg was the most daring and most successful, though not the only one.

Who was the man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944?

Raoul Wallenberg. He issued them with Swedish documents.

How did foreign diplomats try to save jews?

Multiple diplomats used their official channels and powers to save Jews from the impending slaughter at the hands of the Germans and their proxies during the Second World War. Diplomats such as Raoul Wallenberg of Sweden secured transit visas for Jews to exit these countries to safety.

How many Jews were saved by the resistance?

the resistances saved 3.5million Jews

Who saved the Jews from concentration camps?

It is unclear what time period is being referenced.Biblical PeriodMoses saved the Jews from slavery and King Cyrus of Persia saved them from Exile.Spanish InquisitionSultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire gave Jews fleeing Iberia the chance to come to specific cities in the Ottoman Empire like Salonika (Thessaloniki) or Constantinople (Istanbul). The Netherlands also permitted Jews to seek refuge.Nazi HolocaustJust to be clear, 6 million Jews were brutally murdered. Nobody saved ALL of the Jews. Some of the Jews were saved in different ways.1) German Sympathizers: A number of German Industrialists of which Oskar Schindler is the most famous, felt bad for the Jews, but could not express his sympathy for their plight without also being sent to the the Camps. He, like other sympathetic industrialists, made their factories exclusively based on Jewish labor and protected their workers quite vociferously from any harm.2) Civilian Sympathizers: Many individuals in occupied countries hid Jews in their homes. (Anne Frank is a good example of this). Many nameless and unknown Europeans risked their lives to protect other human beings in what little ways they could. In Denmark, it was source of national pride to protect the Jews by coordinating their flight to neutral Sweden.3) Foreign Diplomats: A few courageous foreign diplomats like Raoul Wallenberg issued fake papers to Jews guaranteeing them the ability to flee and live beyond the reach of the Nazi authorities who would want to kill them.4) Foreign Armies: When Britain, the USA, and the USSR began to liberate the Nazi-occupied territories, they encountered the Concentration Camps, Death Camps, and ghettos and proceeded to liberate the prisoners.

Related questions

Why is Raoul Wallenberg so famous?

Raoul Wallenberg saved thousands of Jews from the Final Solution in the mid-1900's. The Final Solution was Hitler's plan to kill all the Jews in the world. He is a true Sweden hero.

How is Raoul Wallenberg couragous?

Raoul Wallenberg issued protective passports to Jews and housed Jews in buildings in Swedish territory. He saved tens of thousands of Jews. --------------------------------------------------------- He left his position of safety to do this. It is generally accepted that he is dead now. (died in a Soviet concentration camp)

What swedish diplomat helped Jews?

Raoul Wallenberg was the most daring and most successful, though not the only one.

What Swedish person helped the Jews?

Raoul Wallenberg

What happened to the Jews in Hungary during the Holocaust?

Many ended up in concentration camps; others were saved and moved to Sweden by the efforts of Raoul Wallenberg, who ended up dying in a Russian detention camp.

How many Hungarian Jews did Raoul Wallenberg save?

Estimates vary. Some sources say he saved at least 30,000 Hungarian Jews, but other sources place the number as high as 100,000.

Were any people saved from the concentration camps?

YES! Oskar Schindler saved more than 1,100 Jews from Auschwitz, the death camp. Other WWII hero's include Irena Sendler, Raoul Wallenberg, And Carl Lutz.

Who was a man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944 by creating special passports with the swedish seal granting immunity to those who helped them?

the man who saved tens of thousands of jews was Herman Hollerith.

Why did Raoul Wallenberg save the Jews?

Raoul Wallenburg saved many Jewish people firstly because he was a very kind and caring person. Secondly was because he did not believe in what the Germans led by Adolf Hitler were doing to the Jewish people, but as I said before Raoul was extremely kind and caring and he was also a pacifist which meant he did not believe in fighting, killing or violence so by saving tens of thousands of Jewish peoples lives, it was his own way of showing resistance towards Hitler and is army.

Who was the man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944?

Raoul Wallenberg. He issued them with Swedish documents.

Who enabled some Hungarian Jews to escape the Nazi death camps?

I wonder if you are thinking of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.

Did Sweden welcome Jews in the 1930s and 1940s?

Raoul Wallenberg and Count Folke Bernadotte saved over 100.000 European Jews from concentration camps, the king Gustav V attempted to negotiate with Hitler to treat Jews more "humanely". Nearly all of the Jews in Denmark managed to escape to Sweden, so the answer would be yes.