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Estimates vary. Some sources say he saved at least 30,000 Hungarian Jews, but other sources place the number as high as 100,000.

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Q: How many Hungarian Jews did Raoul Wallenberg save?
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What happened to the Jews in Hungary during the Holocaust?

Many ended up in concentration camps; others were saved and moved to Sweden by the efforts of Raoul Wallenberg, who ended up dying in a Russian detention camp.

Why did Raoul Wallenberg save the Jews?

Raoul Wallenburg saved many Jewish people firstly because he was a very kind and caring person. Secondly was because he did not believe in what the Germans led by Adolf Hitler were doing to the Jewish people, but as I said before Raoul was extremely kind and caring and he was also a pacifist which meant he did not believe in fighting, killing or violence so by saving tens of thousands of Jewish peoples lives, it was his own way of showing resistance towards Hitler and is army.

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Seven General Lafayette Winston Churchill William Penn Hannah Penn Raoul Wallenberg Mother Theresa Kaximierz Pulaski

Who was Raoul Wallenberg and what did he do?

To be put simply, he was Courageous. He hid them away. He gave forged passports to Jews, with the help of a Swedish diplomat, which would show them to be Swedish citizens. He even threatened the Nazi leaders of the region.

What happened to raoul wallenbergof Hungary?

Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat who worked in Budapest durinng World War II to save many hundreds of Jews from deportation to Nazi death camps. He was arrested by the Soviets in 1945. At this point there are three different stories: 1) He died of a heart attack in prison in 1947. 2) He was executed in prison in 1947. 3) He remained in prison and was seen as recently as 1987. Of these views, his execution in 1947 is the most widely accepted.

How many Jewish holocaust died in Hungary?

almost none. as the Hungarian action happened so late, the Germans had almost perfected how they went about collecting and deporting Jews. The Germans managed to take the 440 000 + Hungarian Jews in three months, so almost none of them died in Hungary (most of them would die in Poland).

How many Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz?

437,685 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz. Al of the Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz between May 1944 - July 1944. ________________ In an effort to make it a bit clearer: The Hungarian action took place over three months, as this action was late into the war Eichmann was very efficient at extracting Jews from the general population (they were not put into ghettos in Hungary). The exact number varies because the borders/boundaries varied over the war and some data is from the original boundaries and others from later boudaries. It is safest to say abour 450 000 were deported, some went straight to labour/concentration camps, but most went to Auschwitz and most of these were killied within a day of arriving.

What religion speaks both Yiddish and Hungarian?

Yiddish is a high German language that was the common language for so many European Jews. It's a form of German that is written using Hebrew letters. Many Jews also lived in Hungary and some of them would have known Yiddish.

How many Jews would have died at Auschwitz if the July 20th plot had killed Hitler?

It is very hard to say. Assuming that the killings would have been halted immediately, a singifnicant proportion of the Hungarian Jews and some others would have been saved. (In the summer and auturmn of 1944 the extermination camp at Auschwitz was mainly concerned with killing Hungarian Jews). Assuming that Piper's estimates are correct and that about one million Jews were killed at Auschwitz, an end to the killings on 20 or 21 July might have reduced the total number of Jews killed at Auschwitz by about 100,000-120,000 to about 880,000-900,000. Please bear in mind that these figures are very rough estimates.

How many Hungarian Dances did Johannes Brahms write?

Brahms composed 21 Hungarian Dances in total.

How many Hungarian troops are in Afghanistan?

About 360.