

What happened to snakes jaws to allow them to eat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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They unhinge so that they are not connected enabling them to swallow larger lumps

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Q: What happened to snakes jaws to allow them to eat?
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Brown snakes feed largely on earthworms, snails, and slugs, but will also eat small salamanders, soft-bodied grubs, and beetles. They have specialized teeth and jaws that allow them to pull snails out of their shells and eat them.

HOW do snakes eat huge things?

snakes can unhinge their jaws, so they can open their mouths wide enough to eat "such huge things".

Do snakes eat turtles?

Most turtles do not eat snakes as most of them are vegetarians. Snakes do not eat turtles either because of their hard shell. However, snapping turtles are omnivores and will gladly eat any snake they can catch in their tough, powerful jaws.

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Do small snakes eat bunnies?

No. Snakes can only eat prey they can swallow whole, and there's a limit to how wide their jaws can go. So a small snake wouldn't be able to eat a rabbit.

How do snakes eat eggs larger than their mouths?

Many snakes have the ability to unhinge their jaws, allowing them to swallow very large animals.

How do snakes eat?

they open their jaws and close then wiggle to eat their prey. rock on dudes the internet is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do snakes eat their food like a big prey?

Snakes can consume a meal that is larger than their mouths because their jaws are loosely jointed, and their upper and lower jaws can move independently. Then after the snake will move its head back and forth to come to prey into its stomach.

Will corn snakes eat other snakes?

yes. uncommon, but it has happened. especially if they are kept with smaller snakes, or 2 males are together.

How do snakes eat prey large than themselves?

Their lower jaw is not one bone like ours but two. They are able to "dislocate" them and can then begin to swallow their prey.

What does the salt water crocodile eat?

The saltwater crocodile will basically eat anything it can get in its jaws. But for the most part they eat things such as snakes, birds, fish, turtles, crabs, lizards, and crustaceans.

How is a snake able to eat prey larger than itself?

Their jaws unhinge to allow their mouth to open wider.