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Several attempts were made to band together the Unionist counties, and after adding and removing some undecided counties the State of West Virginia was formed. Throughout the first 3 years of the war, about half of West Virginia was in Confederate hands.

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Q: What happened to the counties in Virginia that opposed secession?
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Why did west virginia become its own state?

Because the mountain people in the Western counties did not think that Virginia should have seceded from the USA. So they seceded from Virginia.

What new state was formed in 1863 to side with the union?

The state of West Virginia, composed of counties in Virginia which were opposed to its secession, joined the Union on June 20, 1863.

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Many counties in North Texas opposed secession because most of the residents were originally from states of the Upper South.

In which state did 48 counties secede from the Confederacy and join the union?

I don't think there was a state with exactly 48 counties that joined the Union. West Virginia with 55 counties broke off from Virginia and joined the Union. 28 counties in Tennessee, mostly in the eastern part of the state supported the Union. Various counties in other Confederate states where plantations did not dominate the economy also supported the Union or at least felt opposed to secession.

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He was forced out of office as the Governor of Texas.

Confederate commander who opposed secession but sided with his beloved state of Virginia?

Robert E. Lee

Who was the Confederate commander who opposed secession but sided with his beloved state of Virginia?

Robert E. Lee - along with many other Virginia-born officers and politicians.

In which state was there not a single county that was opposed to secession?

There were people

In which states was there not a single county that was opposed to secession?

There were people

How did Sam Houston feel about the secession?

Strongly opposed.

Term used for people who opposed secession?

A term used for people who opposed secession of the states were called conservatives. The people that supported secession were called secessionists.

How did the people of western Virginia respond to Virginias secession from the union?

During the American Civil War, the majority of Americans living in the north-and-western portions of Virginia were opposed to slavery. As a result, when Virginia seceded from the Union in April of 1861, they acted to secede from Virginia itself and ally themselves with the North. Their successful actions resulted in the creation of a new American state, West Virginia.