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Q: What happened to the possessions the Jews left behind in their homes when they were forced to the ghettos?
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Who were forced in to the ghettos?

Indeed. Jews were in ghettos.

What was the name given to the ghettos where Jews were forced to live?

ghettos, or Jewish Quarters.

Why were Jews forced to go in ghettos?

because hitler forced them to

Why did Hitler support the ghettos of the Holocaust?

The support that the Nazis gave to the ghettos was quickly withdrawn and the ghettos were forced to become profitable.

What were the neighborhoods where Jews were forced to live?

they were called ghettos

Jews were transportes to ghettos what are ghettos?

The Jewish ghettos were sections of the city that were allocated specifially for Jewish housing.

What were ghetos for Jews?

Ghettos were the places they kept the Jews. The ghettos were isolated, enclosed communities that the Germans kept the Jews in. Ghettos were where the Jews were forced to live, under horrible conditions.

What is the definition of the krakow ghettos?

The Jews were liquidated and forced to concentration camps.

What were the Ghettos and how were they used?

They are called 'Jewish ghettos', they were used to house Jews (and gypsies).

How were ghettos use in the holocaust?

Ghettos were blocked off sections of town where Jewish people were forced to live. Walls were built around the ghettos in order to keep the Jews inside. It was hard living in the ghettos. Food and personal space were scarce.

Who was forced into ghettos?

mainly Jews but also homosexuals, the disabled, the gypsies and the slavs

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