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you will lose a lot of weight. I think most of it will be muscle lost.

Beside i don't think anyone could do fasting for 40days in a first attempt.

you need to try fast for a day,then 3 days,then a week,and so on.

I did fasting before for 2 weeks(water fasting(no food,just water)).

you will feel sluggish in the first 3 days or so,depend on your body condition.

After that you will feel so much energy inside you,but don't do any heavy activity or exercise during this time.

i lost about 30-40 pounds during that fast.

my previous weight was 220 lbs,by the end of the fast,my weight is 180lbs.

the important thing is how you finish your need to eat juice and fruit first for 3 days or so before you go back to your old eating habit.

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Q: What happens after Fasting for 40 days?
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