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Nothing they go back to their happy normal selves

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Q: What happens after a female dog has her period?
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What happens when a male dog is close to a female dog that has her period?

He will try to mate with her, stand up on her back & hump her. If she is not fixed she will get pregnant.

Is it normal for female dogs to be more protective when she is on her period?

Yes, it happens to my aunt's dog and it's perfectly normal.

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how do I know if my female dog is in heat?

What happens when a female dog isn't coming into season?

Nothing happens.

Does a female dog have a period?

Yes. All female mammals have periods.

What happens when a male dog is close to a female dog that has her period why does he miss behave?

because the dog is on heat It isn't fair to the male dog to think of his reaction to a female in heat as "misbehaving." He's just doing what his instincts tell him to do. If you don't want him trying to mount her, keep them separated until her heat is over.

Dog pooing blood?

If it is a female it might be having its period.

What color is the female dog period?

Considering a period consists mostly of blood, the answer is obviously red.

What happens when a dog has her period?

Dogs do not have a period. How gross would that be right if they did! Lol. But they don't.

Does a female dog period stink?

Yes with larger dogs there can be a smell.

Why would a male dog sniff a female dog and then bite her?

If the biting happens, the male may be aggressive, or the female has a scent of another dog that he doesn't like. It could also be an indication that the male likes the female.

Is it normal for a dog to get pregnant during her first period?

No, it is not. But your young female may.