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Q: What happens after gluclose leaves the pancreas?
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what is high gluclose?

what is hi gluclose

How is gluclose made?

Gluclose is made when diffusion is produced.

What happens when the pancreas secretes too?

nothing happens

What happens when your pancreas in swollen and inflamed?

A swollen pancreas is more than likely Pancreatitis, which literally means, "Inflammation of the Pancreas".

What Takes place in the duodenum?

The duodenum is where a lot of the food breakdown in the small intestines happens. It is the first place the food goes after it leaves the stomach, and it is where it is mixed with the enzymes from the gallbladder and pancreas.

What stage of cellular respiration is gluclose broken down into two molecules of pyruvic acid?

This happens during glycolysis.

How does a coyote get energy from the sugar in food?

Glycolocsis- the break down of gluclose to store in energy in bonds. breaks gluclose down to pyruvates and 2 ATP (energy). first step in cellular respiration. pretty much all food has gluclose. all animals/humans process gluclose.

What makes gluclose?


What are the digestive enzymes found in the pancreas?

No digestion actually happens in the pancreas, but the pancreas does secret enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into the digestive system.

Is glucose considered food?

yes gluclose is considered a food because gluclose is a type of sugar . you can eat sugar so it is a food.

What happens to the pancreas when diabetes is a non communicable disease?

Diabetes is a non-communicable disease. It is the condition when your pancreas stops producing insulin.

What is a chemical formula for gluclose?

Formula: C6H12O6