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You notice it as time passing.

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Q: What happens every time a source of energy is converted from one form to another?
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What is the main source of energy used when you eat?

The carbohydrates are the main source of energy from the food you eat, becausethey are most easily converted to useable energy. Fats are the second energy source used.Proteins are the third and most difficult source to be converted to energy.

What happens in an energy source?


Can electric energy produce more thermal energy?

It can be converted to thermal energy, but you can't get more energy out than you put in. The two different forms of energy must be equivalent, unless there is another source of thermal energy

How is oil a source of energy?

Oil has a reserve of chemical energy. If we burn it, that gets converted to heat energy.

What is main source of light for photosynthesis and respiration?

Light energy is obtained by sun. This energy is converted into chemical energy.

What is a source of energy that needs another source of energy to produce it?

A secondary

How can can you use up a source of energy when energy cannot be destroyed?

It's true that energy is never destroyed-- whan you use up a source of energy, you simply convert it to another form. When gas is burned in a car, for example, it turns from chemical energy to thermal and kinetic energy, which is then converted into sound, and eventually thermal energy in the form of friction.

How does uranium help power up communities?

Uranium is a source of energy - converted to electric or thermal energy.

how mechanical energy converted to electricity?

Well, electricity energy is an energy source. Mechanical energy is the energy of potential energy and kinetic energy. A machine that runs on electricity and uses mechanical energy as a result is the conversion. When energy is converted, a small part is converted into thermal energy, or heat energy. Electricity is also a type of potential energy, because it is stored energy.

Can you convert electrical pulse energy into electrical energy?

Electrical Pulse energy is already electrical energy. It can be converted to different levels (as in different voltage). It can be converted from pulse to a stable source. But non the less it will still be electrical energy.

What is in orange that makes it as an alternative source of energy?

Oranges are packed with sugars which can be converted to energy by the process of digestion. They are also packed with acids which can be made the source of energy by simpler chemical processes.

Does an air conditoner use mechanical energy?

Yes, it uses mechanical energy to convert the gases to high pressures in the compressor. The compressor gets energy from electrical source, then that source is converted to mechanical energy, then to hydraulic energy.