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Maybe tell the other one that likes you you're not really interested in him

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Q: What happens if I like a guy and another guy likes me and they are friends but I always talk to the guy likes me because he flirt but not the guy I like because of shyness and what should I do?
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Related questions

What is sentence for shyness?

Shyness can often make it difficult for individuals to express themselves openly in social situations, causing them to withdraw or feel anxious.

What is your personal way to get over shyness?

Try talk to someone you're comfortable with. Talk to their friends, because if a close person you trust has friends, so their friends would be trustful. :)

How can you overcome shyness when meeting friends?

Just be yourself

What is another word for shyness?


How do i talk to people I dont have many friends because im too shy im 13 And a girl?

You can talk to people and defeat your shyness by hanging out more with friends.

How do you get over shyness and nervousness?

I try to be more talkative with people. For me, i started with online friends to get over my shyness and it really did help. I cannot express how much online friends are so helpful.

How do you concor shyness?

Shyness is a normal thing. I would know this, because I am quite shy myself. But what you do to overcome shyness is to simply BELIEVE in yourself, just get that urge and think "I can do this", because you CAN overcome it. Talk about how you feel with someone you can trust, such as a relative or someone who has had experience. Shyness is perfectly fine and there is completely nothing wrong with it. Always believe in yourself and you will overcome it no matter what anyone says! :):):)

How do you get over my shyness around girls?

Try staying calm in the situation, and also try thinking of some thing else. To get over shyness, try talking or making good friends with the girl(s) that you are shy around :)

Who is the patron saint of shyness?

There is no patron saint of shyness.

Is girl's shyness is sign of attraction?

well most of my guy friends say they like a girl that's shy there more fun to be with .(:

How do you help your boyfriend stop being so shy around you he says he likes me so much but he is so shy How can I help?

help him get out of his shyness. see wat he likes to do for fun. i had the same problem. have your friends talk to him to start leaving his shyness behind

What makes people lonely?

People feel lonely for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, one might feel as if there is no one in the world that understands them. This can cause them to isolate themselves from others. Another reason might shyness and an inability to go out and make friends.