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....they will get loopy and disoriented

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Q: What happens if a child under 18 takes alli- weight loss pills?
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What happens if a child takes weight lose pills?

well firstly they don't need to take them because at the age of a child your weight can be heavy or light it actually starts to matter when you become an adult. Nothing will happen if you take them once but if you keep taking them then your weight may be at a weight they may not like

What if a child takes three birth control pills?

A child who takes three birth control pills may have some nausea, but no other short-term or long-term ill effects.

What happens if a teenage bot takes estrogen pills?

he starts to become more feminin

What happens if a child under 3 takes ovranette?

They die.

What happens when the body uses more energy then the calories it takes in?

Weight loss

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The mass of the rocket decreases as fuel burns.

What happens when a person takes in more food energy than his or her needs?

They gain weight.

What happens when the body uses more energy then calories it takes in will produce?

Weight loss

What happens if the lift of a plane becomes greater than the weight?

It takes off

What happens if a man takes women birth control pills?

Long term; shrinkage of testicles, breast tissue increase and possible cancers.

What happens when a child consistently takes in more calories than the body uses?

they start getting chubby

How many melatonin pills cause an overdose?

It takes a lot of pills... We are talking about bottles.