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then all that would be non blind would have to make systems so all people wouldnt become half evil deaf and blind

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Q: What happens if a most human became albino?
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Do white rabbits with red eyes bite human?

Because its an albino most albino animals will bite unless trained

If an albino and an African American have a baby will it look white caucasian?

No. Genetics is not like mixing paint. Albinism is a genetic mutation that results in a deficiency of pigmnetation in all body structures. Skin color in normal (non-albino) humans is driven by the density of the pigment melanin. Any human from any race can have the albino mutation. In fact, it is most common in male africans. If an albino mates with any normal human, the child will inherit some of the racial features of one parent and some from the other. If both the albino and the non-albino are of the same race, the child will look like that same race.

What happens when a albino is born in the wild?

it will most likely die in the wild mostly because the offspring would then mate and then possibly reproduce more of its kind then the habitat would flood with albino. Then albino would think they were the grater species and killing the non albino. However if a albino is born and taken to a zoo of some sort it would have a grater chance of having solving. seeing the fact that it is away from almost any kind of danger.

Can someone be part albino?

There are two types of albinism that can be found in a human. The primary type is oculocutaneous albinism, which is what most people think of when they think of an albino. It can exist in various levels of lack of pigment, from a complete lack of any pigment to a varying degree of that lack. It really isn't 'part' albino, but it is not a partial situation. A human being can have ocular albinism, which affects only the eyes and not the rest of the body.

Do albino tigers have red eyes?

most white tigers have blue eyes

Are there any albino Victoria Crowned Pigeons?

Like most animal species, there are occasional albino Victoria Crowned Pigeons.

Which is the most human-like Greek god?

The Greek gods chose whatever form they wanted, if they wanted to be human they became that.

Is sheamus from WWE albino?

No most celts are White including sheamus

Can tiger be an albino?

Yes the white Bengal tiger is the albino version of the Bengal tiger. However this species is common unlike most albinos.

If 2 human albinos with black parents have babies what color skin will the babies have?

Most forms of albinism result from the inheritance of recessive genes. I would hazard to say the children would be albino too.

Can you get an albino hedgehog?

Yes, they do exist, but most if not all are under protection of humans. You would be lucky to see a wild albino crocodile, as they die very quickly out there.

Can wolves be albino?

There has been a few reports of an albino wolf, however, I believe that most of those reports where actually false albinos -pale colors, but normal eye pigments-