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It will regurgitate it (be sick). If this happens - it's usually a sign that the vivarium isn't warm enough.

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Q: What happens if a snake can't digest its mouse?
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Your snake might be ill because it might of ate a too big a meal for him and he cant digest it

How long does it take a snake to eat a mouse?

To swallow - a couple of minutes. To digest - about a week. Depends on how big the mouse is compared to the snake. A small meal could be swallowed in under a minute and take a day to digest. Average-sized meals can take 10-30 minutes to swallow and take 3-7 days to digest. A very large meal could even take a few hours to swallow and take several weeks to digest.

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Well I cant say yes or no, but I can tell you that a snake can eat a mouse 5 times bigger than its head.

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How can you get a mouse away from a hungry snake?

well i have this pet snake a reptile and its sooooo cute but then my moms boy friend ugh i hate him he cheeps putting the snake right in front of the mouse and the snake was sleeping i was sooooo ataced to this mouse it was like a pet to me but mike a.k.a. mt moms boy friend he new it was like a friend to me so he started getting the snake and trying to get the snake to eat it and then i was sooooooooo mad :( so i made a hideing spot in the snakes cage and now he cant get him so thay will have to get a nother one and make a deal with your mom that if its still alive in the morning witc it will be she will let it out out side so p.s try this if you get a taced to the mouse oh k p.s Christine the 12 year old

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they cant

How do you freeze a live baby mouse for my snake?

but it in a box with water, make sure it is closed, put it in the freezer, but make sure the mouse cant get out of the box because then you may receive mice dropping all over the food in you freezer.....vwlaa...not that hard

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No they can't, they can't digest it properly.

What is an nonvenomous snake?

a snake with no venom so it cant kill or injure you

Can a mouse fit through a quarter of an inch space?

No A Mouse cant