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In Illinois, the minor could be arrested for No Valid DL, a Misdemeanor offense. The licensed driver could be cited for allowing an unlicensed driver to operate a motor vehicle, a petty offense.

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Q: What happens if an adult lets a minor drive that doesnt have a license in Michigan?
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Michigan's Official Adult Age?

Hi, I live in Michigan and the legal adult age is 17.

How old do you have to be to get your diving license?

You have to be at least 14o get a license with an adult

What is the legal age of adult in Michigan?

It's 18.

If you have a youth hunting license but then you turn 18 what do you do?

Get an adult license or else the game warden will get you

How old does the adult with you have to be when piercing your lip?

I Believe It Doesnt Matter As Long As The Adult Is One Of Your Parents

How many people smoke in Michigan?

The current population of Michigan is 9. 896 million people. About 23. 4 percent of the adult population smokes, meaning Michigan has about 2,315,664 adult smokers. In addition, about 10. 7 percent of Michigan's young people aged 12-17 smoke.

Can you Leave home legally when you are 17 legally in Michigan?

No, in Michigan you are not considered an adult. Until that point, your parents make the decisions.

Can a minor be in a vehicle with an adult driving?

Yes. Providing the adult is old enough and has a valid drivers license

Can a 16 year old in Michigan legally own personal property?

No because you are not legally an adult. You may be able to if you get an adult to cosign

Do you need a license to own an adult store?

Yes you do need a licence.

If you have a permit can you drive with an adult and a child?

yes but you need someone that has a drivers license that is an adult in hte car