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This is called nuclear fusion, meaning that the nuclei of the atoms fuse to form a new nucleus (with a different number of protons and neutrons). So a totally different element is the result of the fusion.

Also, energy is usually released in the process, which could be in the form of wave emission or particles ejected at high speeds.

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Q: What happens if more than two atoms get fused into one atom?
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What happens to hydrogen atoms at a very high temptatute?

nuclear fusion is a type nuclear reaction in which 2 or more atoms combine to form heavier atom .

Why can't an atom loose or gain a proton?

Atoms actually can loose neutrons, but they can't lose protons if they are to remain the same element. Loss of neutrons changes the atom into an isotope of its basic structure. It does not impact the atoms atomic number, just its atomic weight. Loss of protons would change the atoms atomic number. The atomic number defines what the atom is and its location on the periodic table. If an atom loses a proton or a group of protons, as happens in atomic fission, it forms two or more smaller atoms and releases the binding energy as energy to the overall system.

What subatomic particles determine the charge of an atom?

The electron. The electron is has a negative charge. The more electrons that are in a valence shell of the atom the more negative the atom will be.

A chain reaction results when a uranium atom is struck by an neutron released by a nearby atom?

This is the process involved in nuclear fission in a nuclear power station. The chain reaction is set off when one neutron is fired into the reactor. It hits a uranium atom which then splits into 2 smaller atoms and 2 more neutrons are released that collide with two more atoms and so on...

How does hydrogen and helium produce energy?

This question relates to nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion (which should not be confused with nuclear fission) is a process in which atoms are combined to produce a new atom. This is a very different thing from a simple chemical reaction, and has a lot more energy involved. For example, two hydrogen atoms can be combined to produce a helium atom, and when this happens, a very great amount of heat is released. Helium atoms can also be fused. In fact, every atom we have either is hydrogen, or was built by processes involving fusion at some point, in stars of long ago. Part of the problem with this is that it takes a lot of heat and pressure to make hydrogen atoms fuse into helium. It is easy for a star, which has a lot of pressure and heat inside. But on Earth, doing it the same way would take more pressure than any physical container can hold at a temperature that would vaporize anything we can make things out of. And to make things even more difficult, we have to be able to put fuel in, and have to get more energy out than it takes to run the operation, which is difficult in this case. But scientists are working on it. People are trying to build containment out of magnetic fields. There are other types of attempts also.

Related questions

What happens if atom loses electron?

When an atom loses electrons it becomes ionized and more positive a charge. Losing an electron can cause this atom to react with other atoms.

What happens to hydrogen atoms at a very high temptatute?

nuclear fusion is a type nuclear reaction in which 2 or more atoms combine to form heavier atom .

Are all atoms molecules?

No atoms are molecules! An atom is singular A molecule is more than 1 atom bonded together

How does molecule differ from an atom?

A molecule may be one or more atoms, where as an atom can only be one atom. For instance there are hydrogen atoms, and diatomic hydrogen molecules.

How do an atom and a molecule differ?

A molecule contain: - two or more atoms of different chemical compounds - two or more atoms of the same element An atom is only a...single uncharged atom.

Atoms that are made of more than one atom are examples of?

First of all, I think you meant molecules that contain more tham one kind of atom. These are called compounds. The two different elements are fused together chemically, and cannot be separated easily. Compounds should not be confused with mixtures, which are physically combined and can be separated.

What happens between atoms in covalent and polar covalent bonds?

covalent bonds is the sharing of electrons between two atoms. polar covalent bonds occurs when one atom is more electronegative than the other and therefore pulls the electron more closely to its atom (the electron is still being shared)

Do Molecules consist of only one atom or more than one atom?

A molecule always consists of 2 or more atoms, otherwise they would just be atoms.

Why do 10 oxygen atoms weigh more than 10 carbon atoms?

Because an oxygen atom has 8 protons and 8 neutrons and 8 electrons. A carbon atom has only 6 of each. So 1 oxygen atom weighs more than 1 carbon atom and therefore 10 oxygen atoms weigh more than 10 carbon atoms.

What is a atom that is made of atoms of more than one type bound together?

There is no such thing as an atom made of atoms. A molecule made of atoms of different types is a molecular compound.

How is a molecule differ from an atom?

Atoms make up stable molecules. An atom is a single atom of an element. For example an atom of Helium(He) A molecule is two or more atoms bonded together. So hydrogen in its natural state of H2 is a molecule containing two hydrogen atoms. Another example is H2O which contains to atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

Which reaction used for nuclear power plant. fission or fussion?

Nuclear fission. Larger atoms are broken into smaller parts and energy is released. Nuclear fusion is where lighter atoms are fused together - as happens in the sun. This also produce energy, though much more.