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Sugar in the gas tank is not as serious as it sounds. However, it will cause trouble with the fuel filter(s) in the car. The more modern cars have more than one fuel filter leading to the fuel injector system. Sugar does not dissolve in fuel, so it will not get past the filters. However, it will eventually clog up the filters and obviously, the more sugar in the tank, the quicker this clog will occur. A clogged fuel filter will cause the car to either run very rough or to stop running altogether as the engine is effectively out of fuel. There are two options for repair: replace fuel filters as they become clogged or have the fuel tank removed form the car and flushed out by a mechanic. The fuel tank removal may be more expensive up front, but once this has been done, the problem is fixed. Leaving the sugar in the tank and cleaning it up by replacing fuel filters is a slower solution and may result in you stranded on the side of the road while you get another filter and install it.

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Q: What happens if someone put sugar in your gas tank?
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If you suspect that someone put sugar in the tank of your car, the best thing to do is to make an appointment to have your filters cleaned at a garage. Sugar in the tank will not disable your car, this is a common myth, but like pouring sand into someone's gas tank, it might cause your filters to need cleaning earlier.

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What if you put sugar in the gas tank?

Sugar in the gas tank will not cause the engine to fail because sugar does not dissolve in gas. It will get pulled thru the gas line and into the fuel filter(s) and depending on how much sugar is in the tank, will plug the fuel filter sooner or later. This will cause the car to stall or not stay running. You can either replace the fuel filters until the sugar is gone or get the car to a mechanic and have the gas tank removed and flushed out. This is not a do-it-yourself project. You could also drive the car to the mechanic and then have the fuel filter replaced while they are flushing the gas tank.

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