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Due to lack of vitamin A there is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children and increases the risk of disease and death from severe infections. In pregnant women VAD causes night blindness and may increase the risk of maternal mortality. All such kind of deficiency can be full-filled with vitamin and mineral supplements.

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Q: What happens if you do not have enough vitamin A in your body?
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it means that your body does not have enough vitamin c, i would recommend if your vitamin c levels are low to go to the store and buy some vitamin c tablets. cause your body needs vitamin c.

What happens when you dont get enough vitamin c?

Scurvy, among other health problems.

What is happens if you dont have enough vitamin c?

Over time your bones will become fragile.

What happens if I don't eat enough vitamin A?

blindness can be developed and you will get very dry skin

What happens if an animal has to much of a vitamin?

If it is a fat soluble vitamin it is stored in you body fat, if it is a water soluble it is urinated away