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You could get a disease called rickets if you have a Vitamin D deficiency.

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Q: What happens if you don't realize you have vitamin d deficiency?
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What happens if you dont get any vitamin b?

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Ice cravings are normal dont worry about it

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin b6?

Vitamin B6 is used to make neurotransmitters (such as serotonin) and myelin, which insulates the axons of neurons. In adults, deficiency can cause depression, confusion, seizures, inflamed skin, inflamed mucous membranes (lips, gums, etc.), and anemia. However, these symptoms only appear when the deficiency has persisted for a long period of time.

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you will have a risk of a heart attack

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin d?

you get a range of symptons

What is vitamin B6 deficiency?

A deficiency in the essential Vitamin B12.

What is the disease that you get when you dont have enough vitiman A?

Generally you can go blind from vitamin A deficiency. Be careful because you can also overdose on it too

What happens if you dont get enough Vitamin A?

if you dont get enough vitamin A your eyes will start to hurt and poor night vision.

What happens if you dont have vitamin a?

Eventually you will start to lose your vision (night vision first, then color/day vision). You will also likely have more illnesses (colds, flu, etc.) because Vitamin A has some role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

What happens when you dont get enough vitamin c?

Scurvy, among other health problems.

What is happens if you dont have enough vitamin c?

Over time your bones will become fragile.

What happens to the deficiency of a repossession after chapter 7 bankruptcy is discharged?

IF you list it on the B/K. it goes away, you dont owe it anymore.