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you can never talk in Club Penguin again.and if u make another penguin u still can not


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Q: What happens if you get banned for the penguin lodge chat?
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What happens when you chat every bad word on club penguin?

maybe you will get banned for more hours

How do you get on penguin lodge?

Type in Penguin Lodge in your toolbar (Google, Bing, etc.) then click Penguin Lodge Chat on your suggestion list. Then it will say Loading, wait for it to load and you will see a place for a username, type in the username you want (No symbols except lettens and #'s) and you dont even have to write a password, if you do, it can be totally random, ANYTHING!!! and then, your on Penguin Lodge Chat!!!!

What happens when you get banned from chat in plasma burst 2?

Then You Are Banned :P

Is there a cheat you can use to change your penguin name on club penguin?

Yes there is. You could get Club Penguin Trainer but you will get banned if you are caught. Do it on the Safe Chat servers, nobody gets banned.

How do you make Club Penguin know You?

Keep playing club penguin Chat with people and make some one get banned

What happens on binweevils if you are rude?

you get banned on bin weevils and your chat is disabled

How many people have to report you on club penguin to get banned?

it doesnt matter how many people report you because the moderators look at the chat log when a penguin reports you so you could get banned instantly if 1 penguin reports you for being mean

What happens after you get banned on Club Penguin?

If you get banned for bad language, you will not be able to access Club Penguin for the next 24 hours. If you do something worse like being mean to others or constantly use bad language, you will be banned from club penguin forever.If you get banned forever, just make a new account! :)But if you make a new account, make sure you behave! If you think you will still use bad language, make sure to go on the 'safe chat' rooms for a while!Enjoy! By:AS

What happens after you get banned in Club Penguin?

If you get banned for bad language, you will not be able to access Club Penguin for the next 24 hours. If you do something worse like being mean to others or constantly use bad language, yoou will be banned from club penguin forever.If you get banned forever, just make a new account! :)But if you make a new account, make sure you behave! If you think you will still use bad language, make sure to go on the 'safe chat' rooms for a while!I hope i have answered your question!

What happens when you get banned from Club Penguin?

When you are banned, you can't access you're Club Penguin account. It happens when someone reports you, and the monitor see's that you did something really bad. First you get a warning, (Which means you have to use the selected word log, and you can't type whatever you want.) then, if you do something bad again, you're banned. You can't go on you're Club Penguin account ever again. So sad. I hope that never happens to you! Hope I helped! :)

What happens when you are banned on Chat Avenue... Will the authorities be contacted?

You would have to have done something very serious on a chat room for the authorities to be contacted. Otherwise you will just be banned for a short period of time.

When did penguin chat start?

Penguin Chat started out in 2000