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You will suffocate because there is no Oxygen (O2) in Space

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Q: What happens if you go into space without a spacesuit?
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What happens if you go outer space without a spacesuit?

you will die due to lack of oxygen contrary to movies, you won't explode

Why can't you go outside without a spacesuit on planet Saturn?

There is no oxygen you would die.

How does astronauts eat with their space suits?

They don't. They go indoors where it is safe to take off the spacesuit and then eat.

What astronauts need to go to space?

you will need a spacesuit, food/drink,clothing,rocket,spaceship &plenty of oxygen

Would you able to go outside without a spacesuit in Pluto?

No because Pluto doesn't have any oxygen.

What can go in a spacesuit?

a astronaut

Do you need a spacesuit to go to europa moon?

well if its a moon in has to be inspace and you cant live without air so yes you do

How do scientists explore outer space?

by using a device that can go in the outer space or maybe a person can go in the space with a spacesuit that can let a person breath or a spacecraft that you can control while your in earth all i know is that only but im not sure of it i just answer this question

What equipment would you have to wear to go to the moon?

a spacesuit dahhh

How do astronaut go to the bathroom if there on the moon?

i guess everything is done in the spacesuit

What happens when melting candle wax?

it will go into space

Why do you have to wear a spacesuit on Saturn?

Because in space it is all made of carbon dioxide and no oxygen so people are not able to breath in space. The space suit allows you to breath in oxygen because there is an oxygen tank built inside.