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You die xD It was good while it lasted :D

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Q: What happens if you have radiation poisoning?
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How many people have died from radiation poisoning in Australia?

Depending on who where near the radiation poisoning?

What does radiation poisoning do to people and animals?

radiation poisoning cause lung cancer and if you are pregent with child it can have deffects

What is negative about radio waves?

you can get radiation poisoning and cancer from radiation

What was the disease that the atomic bomb gave?

Radiation Poisoning

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Radiation poisoning.

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Radiation poisoning and fallout

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Radiation poisoning.

What are three reasons radiation sickness symptoms vary?

Individual sensitivity Radiation dose absorbed type of radiationRadiation sickness varies based on the amount of expsure of radiation and how particular person's body reacts to the radiation poisoning. It also depends on how the radiation poisoning entered the body: Oral, inhalation or total body exposure.

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radiation poisoning