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it could spark an infction or re inspire the cold sore

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Q: What happens if you pick at your scab from a cold sore?
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Is earwax good for a cold sore after a scab has formed?

Earwax isn't good for a cold sore after a scab has formed.

How long after a cold sore scab is gone are you contagious for?

You are contagious while you have any signs or symptoms of a break out. After the sore has healed wait 4-6 days then you shouldn't be as contagious as you were during a break out.

Cold sore should you take the top off?

Do not pick at the herpes blister.

How does a cold sore start off?

Symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people get dry chapped lips, some itching, burning and or tingling symptoms aroun their lips. Then a blister or pimple occurs on or around the lips which can break into a cold sore. The sore can take a few weeks to heal and scab over.

Crust that form over a sore?

it's called a scab

How do you get rid of a cold sore QUICK I have a date tomorrow night and my cold sore is at its peek I don't want a scab there HELP?

fill a cup with water, then add a lot of salt....the more u put in, the faster it will disappear...mix it up, and then gargle it....continue until the entire cup is gargled, and in the morning, your cold sore should be gone! this is the only method I've ever found that works

What if a cold sore happens once?

A cold sore is a herpes infection For some people, their immune system suppresses the virus; for others they have outbreaks. Each persons immune system is different.

Can you get a cold sore wet?

You can get a cold sore wet.

How do you know shingles are healing?

A cold sore is a lesion that forms around the oral area and the most common etiologic microbe is the herpes simplex virus. One is no longer contagious once the lesion crusts over and fades away - usually a 7-10 day process.

What happens if you drink from someone who has chapped lips?

I'm sure you won't get dry lips..only if the person that drunk out of the glass cup (ect) has a cold sore, then there is a pretty big chance of you getting a cold sore.

Is a cold sore a micro-organism?

A cold sore is a micro-organism.

Can you pop your cold sore?

Do not pop the cold sore; it can cause it to spread.