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Q: What happens if you put honey in your ear?
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What happens if you put honey in your hair?

It will become extremely sticky.

What happens when you put your index finger behind someones ear lobe?

you can faint

How long does it take for honey to work?

Six hours after you put honey on the tree, a Pokemon will usually appear. Sometimes the Pokemon will eat the honey and leave though, so you will occasionally come back and find no Pokemon there, but your honey gone. Also, if you leave honey on a tree for too long, then the honey will be eaten and the Pokemon will leave before you can battle it, this happens twenty-four hours after you put honey on the tree.

What happens during jatakarma in Hinduism?

the mum and child are sprinkled with water. the father places ghee and honey in the baby's tongue and then he whispers the word for God into the baby's ear

What happens if honey bees die?

there will be less honey

What happens when you put honey and water together?

They will split into two layers, because the density of the two materials are different, and in this situation, the honey would be on the bottom, and the water would be on top.

How do you put an ear cover with a bridle?

To put an ear cover with a bridle, you put the EAR NET over the ears and then put the bridle on over it.

My dog is terrified of thunder and lightning but doesn't respond to being stroked how can I help him?

put him inside of the nearest warm bathtub and scrub behind his left ear with honey

Where do you get cherrim?

You have to put honey on a honey tree.

Do honey bees get ear wax?

No , and they don't shave their legs , either.

What happens when you burn a candle at both ends?

it creates a lot of wax, which can the be put back into your ear- if you are a bit short of wax, that is.

How do you dissolve honey?

Put the honey in hot water