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It can cause severe engine damage due to cavitation of the oil which causes air to mix with the oil providing poor lubrication.

I agree with the above answer in the extreme case. Always make sure that your vehicle is parked on a level area for checking the oil level. Most Service stations do not have level areas when you are filling for gasoline. Hence, be CAUTIOUS! If you take a baseline of the level at a location that you deem satisfactory, start to establish a benchmark for where you normally park your car such as your driveway. Remember that the greater the incline of your driveway the less the change of level will show.

The qualifier is how much is too much oil? I would say based on experience that 1/8th inch above the dipstick is pretty safe as long as you do not typically rev your engine at the high end of the tachometer. For any higher level I would strongly suggest draining a cup, (8 oz.), (250ml) out of the crankcase. Do not reuse the oil collected for fear of contaminants. Recycle it. Put it in your oil can for the bicycle.

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