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IT destroys the circuit in the buttons and after a while.... they break and you can't use the guitar anymore

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Q: What happens if you repeatedly press buttons on a guitar hero remote if you arent playing the game?
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Will playing Guitar Hero help you play the real guitar?

well it can help in finger coordination there is more to playing a real guitar then pressing a few buttons. Even so , finger coordination is a small part, in all honesty playing real guitar is more rewarding , and after all guitar hero is a game! Yes it does, but do you know how to play the real guitar?

Can you have a guitar on ds without having a guitar?

No, it comes with buttons instead of a guitar. The buttons attach onto the DS so you can strum and play.

Does playing guitar make someone worse at Guitar Hero?

As I am speaking from experience, I believe this is true! I was once challenged to a Guitar Battle on Guitar Hero by a friend who was a pianist. I am naturally a guitarist so you would expect me to have some kind of advantage. However, because Guitar Hero requires you to not look at the guitar while you play, you have to "guess" where the buttons are and hit them quickly. Therefore, playing guitar makes you worse at Guitar Hero.

Have people been having problems with the buttons on their guitar from guitar hero world tour?


How do you use cheat codes for PS2 Guitar Hero 3 with no guitar?

by pressing the buttons

Does Guitar Hero help you play guitar?

No, because Guitar Hero is a video game with 5 buttons. If you wish to learn Guitar, I suggest getting a REAL GUITAR.

Does the microphone on Guitar Hero 4 have buttons?

No. The Guitar Hero and Rock Band microphones are identical to typical USB microphones, and are controlled by the regular video game controller.

What are the controls for using a Guitar Hero guitar?

When you are playing a song, hold down the buttons as the colours come along the "highway", and when they reach the area, hit the strum key (on the body of the guitar) to hit the note. To activate star power, you can either press down the star power button or tilt the guitar up. When clear notes appear, it means you can press the coloured buttons as soon as the notes reach the area, or use the touch strip lower down the neck of the guitar to do the same.

Can you use guitar hero world tour drums with rock band for ps2?

No cause the guitar hero 5 drums have 5 buttons and the rock band drums have 4 buttons

How do you play Guitar Hero 5 with only a guitar?

u cant play guitar hero without the GUITAR,geez retard!!! seeya! ABBY (=^-^=)

What happens in guitar hero 3 if you use difficulty up on a person playing expert?

The power-up has no effect.

Why do my E and D stings buzz when played together playing chords on guitar?

USUALLY what happens is that chords buzz when they are in sync together like when you ture the guitar when they are in tune they buzz