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Q: What happens if you take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same day?
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Can you drink a lacsive instead of the morning after pill?

A laxative would not have the same effect as the morning after pill.

Can you take a sleeping pill with Imitrex?

If prescribed from the same doctor and filled at the same pharmacy, without objection from either, then yes.

What happens when you start taking your pill in the wrong place?

As long as you are taking active pills they are all the same. So nothing happens.

What happens if you take an active pill then a sugar pill then another active pill?

Sugar pills don't have the active ingredient so it would be the same as missing a regular pill. You will be unprotected for 7 days so USE CONDOMS

What happens if you're 30 mins late takin the pill?

A small amount of variation when taking the pill should not affect the outcome. You need to take the pill around the same time every day.

What happens when you dream?

It's just your emotions or feeling and even what you are thinking about. It's the same as daydreaming except you are sleeping.

What happens if you take your birth control pill on an empty stomach?

The effectiveness is the same whether you take the birth control pill with food or on any empty stomach, but some women have nausea if they don't take the birth control pill with food.

Is it illegal to sleep in the same room as a boy at a young age of nine?

there is nothing wrong with just sleeping in the same place as long as parents know and nothing happens

What happens if you lost your birth control pills and had to start a different brand?

Nothing. It might be from a different brand but the pill is working for the same purpose.

What would happen if you took a stool hardener and a laxative at the same time?

They'd battle it out in there.

How do you make someone poop?

you give them a laxative it makes them poop ...i would know.... ........i have the same issue.....

What is white pill with the markings barr 325 on same side of pill?
