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tell them your parents wont let you date.

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Q: What happens if your parent don't allow you to date and you don't want to hurt the person who asked you out?
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Well, for one thing, it leaves the question as asked by an anonymous person.

Can you buy me cigarettes?

Yes! You can, and the person who is buying them for you will be in even MORE trouble. Dont ask and dont do if you are asked to, if you are younger that 16, tell a parent RIGHT away, DO NOT WAIT, This person can be trying to abuse you or do something bad to you!

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This is not a question. A question must be asked in order to receive an answer.

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A person being held in contempt is asked to explain why they ignored previous summons to appear to explain why they were in arrears in support.

What does it mean if a parent asked you how you feel about moving?

It means you are moving or there thinking bout moving

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Ask your attorney.

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The Judge has overruled the objection which means that he has found the objection to be without merit in law. The person on the witness stand must answer the attorney's question as asked.

Can a judge order a parent to allow their child to travel out of country with the other parent against their wishes?

The US State Department's web site says that, generally speaking, both parents must consent in order for a child to obtain a passport. However, among the exceptions to the rule, they do state that they will accept a court order specifically authorizing the travel in lieu of one parent's consent. This is not, technically speaking, exactly the same as what you asked, but the net effect is the same: a court can allow a child to travel internationally even if one parent objects. Note that "can" is not the same as "will." The details do matter, and you should retain a lawyer in order to protect your rights. (Another exception is that if one parent has sole custody, the other parent's opinion is irrelevant: the custodial parent has to give consent and produce the court order granting sole custody; nothing else is needed.)

What happens to somebody who lies about sexual assault?

you get asked if you lied about the sexual assault and then if you admit it, the will ask the person you lied about if they want to press charges one you. if they do you will go to jail or juvie.