

What happens in diffraction?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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9y ago

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Diffraction is the process of how a beam of light is spread out when passing through a narrow space or edge. There is usually interference between the wave forms.

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Q: What happens in diffraction?
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As the wavelength decreases what happens to wave diffraction?

As wavelength decreases the wave diffraction will decrease, so the curve formed will be less noticeable. The sharpness of the diffraction will decrease that you can see will lessen.

What is the bending of waves around the edge of a barrier called?

Diffraction is the bending of waves around an obstacle under specific circumstances.

Can sound wave diffract?

No. Diffraction is not a wave; it is something that HAPPENS to waves; to all sorts of waves.

Which term describes the bending of a wave around an object?

"Diffraction" does.

What happens to a wave when it passes an edge or an opening?

It undergoes diffraction. Please see the related link for more information.

What happens when a wave passes a barrier or moves through a hole in a barrier?

it bends and spreads out

What happens if width of the slits increases in double slit diffraction experiment?

Silicon, Germainium, Tin, Lead, Ununquadium.

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Why diffraction occur?

Diffraction example: you run or bounce into somthing and, the wave goes around the object. This is called diffraction.

What is the principles of x ray diffraction?

The idea is that, due to the small wavelength of X-rays, atoms can serve as a diffraction grid - causing diffraction patterns. (If you don't know about diffraction, I suggest you search in the questions for "diffraction", or ask a separate question for diffraction.) Crystals are good for this, because of their regular structure.

How many classes of diffraction?

fresnel diffraction and fraunhoffer diffractions