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Erosion, pollution, loss of top soil.

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Q: What happens in the process of runoff?
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What happens to runoff water?

runoff water eventually flows to a water body :)

What happens to water that does not precolate?

It becomes runoff.

What happens to precipitation that falls on the land?

it becomes runoff.....

What happens to water as it runs down hill?

It is runoff

What is the last thing that happens in a water cycle plus?

it is runoff

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idiots idfk

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What was part of the election process for president France?

a runoff voting system

What is the process in which a stream is made?

First the water will rain down, causing runoff, and the runoff water will carry dirt and sediment with it, causing a stream to form overtime as the runoff trail keeps on indenting into the ground.

What is the difference between infiltration and runoff?

infiltration is different because when it happens the rain soaks underground it doesn't fall back into bodies of water like runoff does.

Whats the difference between infiltration and runoff?

infiltration is different because when it happens the rain soaks underground it doesn't fall back into bodies of water like runoff does.

What happens to water that does not percolate?

Water that does not percolate (move down through the soil) either is retained above the impermeable layer or becomes surface runoff.