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i donno but with that many diseases you will die

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Q: What happens to People with diabetes pneumonia and tuberculosis?
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they are most likely to get pneumonia, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, and to have high blood pressure

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How do black people die?

Old age, diabetes, cancer, homicide, aids, pneumonia, lack of health care, etc.

What happens to a person with diabetes?

a person with diabetes usually has a larger chance of dying than other people their age.

What diseases were there in the early 1900s?

Influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease were the leading causes of death in the early 1900s. Heart disease, chronic airways disease, cerebrovascular disease and accidents are the most leading causes of death as of 2010.

What disease has the symptoms coughing sneezing?

Almost all respiratory viral infections, strep throat, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough etc are spread when people sneeze or cough.

How many people in the world have pneumonia?

Millions of people suffer from pneumonia each year.

What was the most infectious diseases of the 1900s?

In the 19th century there were lots of different types of disease but the most common ones are: tuberculosis, typhoid, scarlet fever and measles and hundreds of thousands of people died from these diseases.

What Is Diabetes Type 1 and 2?

Well, diabetes happens when your pancreas stops working. When you have Type 1 Diabetes (like me), your pancreas makes no insulin at all. Most people take shots or use an insulin pump. Type 1 Diabetes can not go away. This type usually happens in children. Type 2 Diabetes usually happens in adults. Sometimes Type 2 Diabetes can go away. Most people who have Type 2 can lose weight to end their Diabetes. Most people with this usually take pills instead of shots. :) Hope this helps... :P

Can diabetes cause organ shut down?

Not directly, but if you allow it to get badly out of control it might in the end. This sometimes happens when people have diabetes without knowing it and collapse with dehydration and severe metabolic acidosis.

What is the life cycle for tuberculosis?

There are few different kinds of pneumonia. So obviously the treatment and life cycle are different. Names of illness are representing the source of infection. For example CAP pneumonia stands for Community Acquired Pneumonia, HAP - Hospital Acquired Pneumonia. There few others such are Aspiration and Atypical Pneumonia. Aspiration type of pneumonia can occur you inhale food, drink, vomit, or saliva from your mouth into your lungs. This may happen if something disturbs your normal gag reflex, such as a brain injury, swallowing problem, or excessive use of alcohol or drugs. Aspiration pneumonia can cause pus to form in a cavity in the lung. When this happens, it's called a lung abscess (AB-ses). THE IMPORTANT CHANGE AFTER THE TREATMENT IS TO STOP USING ALCOHOL, TOBACO AND/OR NON MEDICAL DRUGS (NARCOTICS). Atypical Pneumonia is caused by several types of bacteria - Legionella , mycoplasma pneumonia, and Chlamydophila pneumoniae - cause atypical pneumonia, a type of CAP. Atypical pneumonia is passed from person to person. The treatment is medicine. There is another form called PCP. It is a kind of pneumonia caused by bacteria called Pneumocystis jiroveci. Most people infected with P. jiroveci don't get pneumonia because their immune systems are healthy and strong. People whose immune systems are weak because of HIV infection or cancer can get PCP. PCP is less common than it used to be, but it's still the most common serious infection in people who have advanced HIV disease in the US. •Bronchopneumonia •Nosocomial pneumonia. This is another name for hospital-acquired pneumonia. •Walking pneumonia. This refers to pneumonia that's mild enough that you're not bedridden. •Double pneumonia. This refers to pneumonia that affects both lobes of the lungs.

What happens when Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects humans?

Most patients never develop symptoms, but about 10% of infected people develop serious, prolonged lung disease.