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The fat stored in the hump, as well as other fat deposits in the body, are used up as an energy source when the camel has to go hungry.

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Q: What happens to a camel hump if it doesn't eat?
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Can you eat camel's hump?

yes, it is a Chinese food

What if their is no plants for camels to eat?

Then the camel would have to survive on the stored fat in its hump - which is what it is there for - until it'd be able to find some plants to eat.

How does the camel get affected if they didn't have humps?

if camel didn't have humps A hump's fatty tissue supplies energy when the camel doesn't eat. They probably wont able to carry things, and they wouldn't have enough energy.

How many humps does the camel have?

Either one or two, depending on what type of camel it is. The Dromedary camel (also known as the Arabian camel and the one-humped camel) has a single hump and is found in the dry desert areas of western Asia. The Bactrian camel has two humps and is found in eastern Asia.

Why do camel have fat filled humps?

Camel bulges are actually filled with fat. The longer a camel does not eat or is able to drink the "hump(s)" will appear deflated since it will pull from the fat store for survival.

Which substance is present in the hump of a camel?

Camel's humps are made up of fat. In the wild, camels eat lots of rubbish food and so the fat is very coarse, whereas in captivity they are fed good quality food and so the fat is 'squishy' and soft. This is why camel's humps flop over in captivity.

How camel it gets its food?

A Camel gets its food by looking in the desert of where ever it is and will eat it, Or some one might look after camels Or maybe they eat cactus's.

What do camel crickets eat?

Camel Crickets eat anything organic.

What is the purpose of the camels hump?

Camel's hump is used to store food. It is store for many days, when he fells hungry he use it or sometimes store for other days--- for future use. Basically he use it when he doesn't get anything to eat..... *Next time do your own work . . .O.K.*

Does a camel eat animals?

Camel is not carnivore.

Would a fox eat a camel?

No, a camel is much too large for a fox to kill and eat.

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