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Q: What happens to a compound during a electrolysis expiriment?
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reduction reaction.

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What happens at the negative electrode during the electrolysis of molten aluminium?

Al3+ + 3e- --> Al(metal)

What happens when electric current is passed through fused sodium chloride?

During this electrolysis are obtained chlorine and sodium.

What does common salt break into during electrolysis of its solution?

The products of the electrolysis are sodium hydroxide and chlorine.

Why does the concentration of tin sulphate solution not change during the electrolysis?

Tin Sulphate stays the same during electrolysis because it is low down in the reactivity series, it can only be extracted by the reduction of carbon, not by electrolysis.

How does acid form into hydrogen a chemical propertie?

by electrolysis of acid . And it also happens during acid base reaction. During reaction the hydrogen in acid gets free. And it forms the salt.

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What products are formed during the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution?

during the electrolysis of Sodium Chloride chhlorine gas is produced at the anode and hydrogen gas is produced at the cathose.

Why Na ion and OH- ion not combine in electrolysis of aqueous NaCl?

They actually do combine during electrolysis of aqueous Sodium Chloride

How can you prevent electrolysis in aluminum?

Chemical imbalance is what mainly causes electrolysis of aluminium. During this process aluminium is transformed to become an acid.