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Q: What happens to a hamster when one of the pouches gets bigger than the other?
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Do hamsters eat penuetbutter?

NO! Other wise it wil get stuck in their pouches, will go mouldy, and get infected. Then your hamster could die

Why is your hamster have ears bigger than the other hamster?

Because God made all animals in a variety. No one is the same as the other.

Can Dwarf hamsters mate other hamsters?

If the male is with the female when she is in heat, they will mate. It's pretty much a given. They should be separated, inbreeding leads to weak litters.

What happens if a hamster eats the eyes off another hamster?

One gets a meal, the other is in a lot of pain, has no eyes, and is permanantly blinded.

What doese it mean when your hamster dies and gets big?

It means your hamster got a RARE disease! And it is horrible. If it happens to your hamster get rid of it QUICKLY or else you or you other animals can get it also and die.

If your hamster is choking what do you do?

I think you should wait another few days. If it is still there, it might be cancer. Take your pet down the vets to get checked out. The vet might give you some medicine. My friends hamster had that and it looked like a grape was in his mouth. Hope I helped. :) Hope your hamster gets well again. Please reply on any other questions, Hamster Carer

Is a male Hamster smarter than a female hamster?

Actually it's the other way around the male has more dominance over the female so therefore they are naturally bigger.

Can hamster go in the same cagewith a rabbit?

You should never do this. The two are likely to ignore each other, but a rabbit is a lot bigger and stronger, and could accidently injure the hamster.

Can you put a syrain hamster with a Russian hamster?

I wouldn't suggest doing that. Syrian hamsters do better by themselves, and don't like other's company. You can try it, and see what happens. But I wouldn't do that.

How do you tell from a panda hamster if it is a girl or boy?

Well if it is a boy, it would be easy to tell as there bums would be bigger than if your hamster is a girl. If you can't tell yet then you could have to turn them other and look at them closer :)

Why ginie pigs have pouches?

Guinea pigs don't have pouches. Sugar gliders and other animals do, guinea pigs are NOT one of them.

What is a silky hamster?

A silky hamster is just a hamster with shiny fur. Its exactly the smae as any other normal sized hamster. A silky hamster is just a hamster with shiny fur. Its exactly the smae as any other normal sized hamster.