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the mother plant cheats on the daddy plant and this is noticeible by the different coloured baby plant, then the jew egg is chased by borat and ali G where they eat it like mario on mushrooms, but no i dont actually know the answer to this question. :)

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14y ago

Because plant cells have a stiff cell wall, the cell will not appear to shrivel as an animal cell will. Instead, the cell wall remains in place, but the contents of the cell, most noticably the chloroplasts, seem to bunch up in the center of the cell, leaving an empty space between the cell contents and the cell wall. This separation of the cell membrane from the cell wall and subsequent concentration of the cell contents is due to loss of turgor pressure inside the membrane as water moves out of the cell, toward the higher salt concentration. This process is called plasmolysis.

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13y ago

That poor plant cell will become 'flaccid' the water moves from the region of higher water potential (Plant cell) to the region of lower water potential (Concentrated salt solution) by osmosis.

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Q: What happens to a plant cell in strong salt solution?
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What happens to a plant during plasmolysis?

the cell absorb the solution of the concentration solution which inturn make the cell increase in shape through endolysis.

What happens to plant cells when placed in a hypotonic solution?

When a plant cell is placed in an hypotonic solution it becomes swollen and hard. The cell takes in water by osmosis and starts to swell, but the cell wall prevents it from bursting.

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If excess water moves into an animal cell, it will eventually burst. This happens if the cell is placed in a hypotonic solution (a solution with a lower solute concentration than the cell).

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The plant with flexible cell walls when placed in a hypertonic solution tends to grow larger in size by uptaking the solution by the principle of osmosis where molecules from higher concentration moves to a region of lower concentration and this happens in the cell through small minute pores present in the cell walls.

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In a distilled solution an animal cell will swell and possibly burst. In a distilled solution the cell wall of the plant cell allows the plant cell to retain its shape.

When plant is place in hypotonic solution?

the plant cell shrinks and this is because concentration is high in the solution and less in plant cell

What happens when water moves out of a cell if the cell is placed in a what solution?

Hypotonic Solution

What happens to a cell when it is placed into a solution that is hypo-tonic to it?

Water moves into the cell by osmosis. If it is a plant cell, it will become fully turgid. If it is an animal cell, the cell will become larger and larger and will eventually burst.

What would occur if a plant cell were placed into a strong hypertonic solution?

Your large intestine would take in the water and it would give you diarrhea.

A plant cell placed in a hypotonic solution will not lyse because?

The cell wall prevents the plant cell from bursting.

What makes a plant strong?

The cellulose in the plant cell walls

What happens when sun light strikes a plant cell?

The Plant Cell Shrinks