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Q: What happens to a shoot after placing an agar block on the cut end?
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What happens when you prepare a smear from a agar plate or slant without first placing water on slide?

If you prepare a slide from an agar plate without placing water on the slide first the agar will be to lumpy on the slide. It will make to much of the specimen be in one spot.

Why can the agar pour tubes be rinsed in the sink after the agar is transferred to the Petri plate?

The ending agar is significantly diluted. If the undiluted agar is pured in sink, it will solidify and block up the sink.

What is an agar block?

An agar cube is made from firm jelly produced using a type of algae. Agar can be flavoured and eaten, but also used for scientific purposes. Agar can be molded or cut easily into many shapes.

What happens to agar when it cools to room temperature?

It thickens and turns into a gel

Agar agar grain found in Germany?

Agar, or agar-agar, is not a grain, but rather an extract of seaweed. Agar translates to German as Agar-Agar Try whole- or health-food stores

Is there a microorganism that degrades Agar agar?

Yes! Paenibacillus spp. can degrade agar agar

What jelly is made from seaweed and used in glue making?


What does the naming agar as agar agar denote?

an extract of seaweed

How many teaspoons is 7 g agar agar powder?

I teaspoon Agar Agar = 2 grams

What is an agar-agar?

An agaric is any of various types of fungi of the family Agaricaceae.

A gelatinous carbohydrate obtained from seaweed?

Agar is derived from seaweed and is often used in Japanese desserts

From which organism agar agar is extracted?

red algae Agar agar is a malay term meaning red algae. This algae which agar is extracted lives in the ocean around Malaysia