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Q: What happens to copper sulphate when left in a dish?
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Is copper oxide soluble?

copper sulphate is soluble in water - take the reaction to form blue crystals (sulphuric acid + copper carbonate) - once the water is evaporated off blue crystals are left. And if the water is evaporated off still the crystals turn white! so it must be.

What element on the periodic table appears to the left of copper?

Nickel is placed on the left of copper.

What is made when you mix sulfuric acid copper carbonate?

Using cupric oxide (CuO, copper(II) oxide), a black powder, it will make hydrated copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O -blue crystals) anything left over is simply un-reacted chemical. As the excess water evaporates and if heated it will make anhydrous copper sulfate (CuSO4) a white powder.

A strip of magnesium metal into a solution of copper sulfate?

When we did it the other day what happened was this: the magnesium caused tiny bubbles and little dots of black fell to the bottom of the test tube (Copper I guess). When the reaction stopped, the liquid was still blue. We tried heating the mixture and got a bit more bubbles and 'dots' then we left the test tube for several days. Now the magnesium is coated with a pretty turquise coating of something, the solution is still blue, the dots are still black at the bottom of the tube. So CuSO4 + H2O + Mg should give you MgSO4 (which is soluble) and Cu. I do not know what we have actually got. The chemicals came from a chemistry set...the CaOH was equally not 'right' or rather it was far less 'basic' that I expected hmmm.

What metal is left when zinc reacts with sulfuric acid?

This reaction yields zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas.

Related questions

What would happen if you poured 20cm cubed blue copper sulphate solution into a dish and left it at 21 celsius for two days?

u would get a blue waffle

What was left when water evaporates from copper sulphate solution?

Copper sulfate crystals remain in the container.

Where did the substance that appeared at the bottom of the evaporating dish after it was heated come from?

It is likely the substance was a salt such as sodium chloride or copper sulphate that was in solution. When the water evaporated it left the solid salts behind.

How will you obtain pure copper sulphate crystal?

boil off the solvent (usually water) until you are left with copper sulfate crystals. For getting back the copper sulphate crystals from copper sulphate solution, we have to first make super saturated solution by boiling, then allow to cool down & dried these crystals with filter paper.

Is copper oxide soluble?

copper sulphate is soluble in water - take the reaction to form blue crystals (sulphuric acid + copper carbonate) - once the water is evaporated off blue crystals are left. And if the water is evaporated off still the crystals turn white! so it must be.

What happens to copper if it is left in water for a long period of time?

It turns blue.

What happens when magnesium reacts with copper sulphate?

Since magnesium is a more reactive metal, it will displace the copper and the anion (Which basically is the sulphate) goes to the magnesium. So the products you get out of the displacement is Magnesium sulphate, and copper alone. I have tried this experiment before and just to tell you one thing... During the reaction, a smell comes up, so cover your nose! :D You don't want to smell it.

What appears to the left of copper?

To the left of copper appear nickel.

What is the color of copper sulphate?

Copper sulfate itself is white/colorless when anhydrous. However, it's hygroscopic and the pentahydrate (the usual form) is blue... in fact, it's just about the same color as the sidebar over to the left there.

Describe how crystals of copper sulphate are prepared?

You need to start with a copper compound and react it with an acid to get the salt you want. If you use hydrochloric acid you will get a chloride; if you use nitric acid you will get a nitrate. You asked for copper sulphate so can you decide for yourself which acid you need? You will need to put this in a conical flask and heat it - if you're heating acids you must wear protective goggles - and add some copper oxide. This is black. It will react and form a blue solution. You need to be sure you have used up all your acid so you must use enough copper oxide to have some left over. Stop heating and filter it to get rid of the rest of the copper oxide. You want to get rid of the water now - if you want to be quick you can evaporate it by placing it in an evaporating basin on top of a beaker of boiling water. If you have time you can just leave it to evaporate slowly at room temperature. If you do it this way you will get nicer, bigger crystals. Why do you think this is? Look carefully at your crystals to see what shape they are.

What element on the periodic table appears to the left of copper?

Nickel is placed on the left of copper.

What is made when you mix sulfuric acid copper carbonate?

Using cupric oxide (CuO, copper(II) oxide), a black powder, it will make hydrated copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O -blue crystals) anything left over is simply un-reacted chemical. As the excess water evaporates and if heated it will make anhydrous copper sulfate (CuSO4) a white powder.