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Q: What happens to each character at the end of tea with Mussolini?
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How did Mussolini help end world war 2?

Mussolini had nothing to do with ending WW2

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he was assassinated

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At the end of each galaxy in Spore you get a badge and move on to a new mission.

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What to include in the end of the story?

Each remaining character must have the solution to something that they needed. Each character exists because they each wanted something during the story, the conclusion states whether they got what they needed or not.

Who was shot at the end of World War 2 with their mistress?

Benito Mussolini

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The list is called the Credits.

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Depends on which kingdom you play. There are also different endings for each character.

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The newline character is used to mark the end of each line in Unix/Linux. Usually the character is specified as the '\n' character, which equates to a 0x0A character in Ascii based systems.

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if you subtract each product from the next larger product you will end up with a wrong answer